Do You Have Receding Gums? How Composite Resin Fillings Could Help

When one thinks of dental fillings, like composite resins, he or she may think of a tooth restoration after a cavity. However, there are other applications for composite resins. For example, if you have receding gums, then a composite resin can be used around the exposed tooth root to provide cosmetic as well as functional benefits. Read on to learn why gum recession is an issue and how composite fillings can help.

What Causes Gum Recession?

There are many causes of gum recession, such as tobacco use, gingivitis, and poor oral hygiene. Some people may naturally have thinner gum tissue or experience recession from bruxism. Some people may have excellent oral hygiene, but if they brush too forcefully and use a hard-bristled brush, they can inadvertently damage gum tissue.  

Why is Gum Recession an Issue?

If your gums recede a lot, then it's easier for bad bacteria to get beneath the gum line and cause cavities or gum disease. If the neck of the tooth is exposed or the tooth root is exposed, then you may experience sensitivity to temperature fluctuations. Unfortunately, once gums have receded, it's not possible for them to grow back. You can stop the recession from getting worse, but your dentist would have to perform a surgery like gum grafting to repair the damage.

How are Composite Resin Fillings Helpful?

Understandably, not every patient wants to go through surgery to repair their gum tissue. If you aren't at risk for gum disease and your recession hasn't progressed, your dentist may recommend composite resin fillings instead to restore your smile. Your dentist doesn't have to cut into any gum tissue; rather, he or she will place composite resin over exposed tooth roots to reduce tooth sensitivity and to improve the appearance of your teeth. Like a sealant, this composite resin can also act as a barrier against cavity-causing bacteria that could cause further recession and gum pockets.

What is the Procedure Like?

It usually only takes one appointment for a composite resin filling to be placed. Your dentist will first use a guide to select a resin shade that closely matches your enamel. Then, your dentist will roughen the surface of your tooth with a conditioning agent so that the resin can better adhere to the surface. Your dentist will then mold and smooth the filling to a desirable shape, and then he or she will use a curing light to harden the resin.

If you want to use composite resin fillings to improve the symptoms and appearance of your gum recession, reach out to a dentist in your area today.

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About Me

Chew On This Every time you take a bite of food, you should be grateful for your healthy teeth! A tooth can lose its health and structure quickly once decay sets in. Luckily, if you visit your dentist for regular appointments, the decay should not get too serious before your dentist notices it and can do something about it. That "something" is applying a filling. On the other hand, if the decay progresses too long before it is caught, you may need a crown or even an extraction. We want to keep our teeth, and we know you want to keep yours. That's why we created this website to teach you more about dentists and dental care. Enjoy!


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