Causes And Treatments For Dental Sensitivity

Dental sensitivity can cause intense tooth pain when consuming hot, spicy, or cold foods and beverages. Before your family dentist services professional develops a treatment plan for your tooth sensitivity, he or she will need to determine the underlying cause. Here are some causes of and effective treatments for dental sensitivity.

Causes Of Sensitive Teeth

Enamel erosion is the most common cause of dental sensitivity. When your tooth enamel starts to wear away, it can expose the nerves of your teeth to painful stimuli. If you eat or drink foods that are highly acidic, such as orange juice or other citrus juices, coffee, or tea, you may be more likely to develop enamel erosion.

Other ways in which the nerves and pulp of your teeth can be exposed to hot, cold, or spicy foods and beverages is when your enamel is cracked and has exposed the root. Your dentist can determine if you have acid erosion by simply looking at your teeth. Signs of tooth enamel erosion include a brownish or deep yellow discoloration of the teeth, roundness of the teeth, translucency, or teeth that have cracks or small fissures in them.

Treatments For Dental Sensitivity

Special toothpastes made especially for tooth sensitivity help inhibit pain. While they are considered effective, it may take a few uses before you notice a difference in your symptoms. You can purchase toothpaste for sensitive teeth at any pharmacy or grocery store as these products do not require a prescription from your dentist. Another treatment option is the application of fluoride gel to the sensitive teeth. Over time, fluoride will help strengthen your tooth enamel and make it stronger while relieving pain.

Regardless of which treatment option you choose, your dentist may recommend that you limit your intake of acidic foods and drinks. If conservative treatment fails to provide relief from your dental sensitivity, your dentist may recommend that you undergo root canal treatment. Root canal therapy is considered one of the most effective treatment options for sensitive teeth; however, your treatment may take several appointments to complete.

While your family dentist has the ability to perform a root canal, he or she may refer you to an endodontist for further evaluation and treatment. After your endodontic treatment, you will still need to see your regular dentist for checkups and cleanings on a regular basis.

If your teeth hurt after eating or drinking, hot, cold, or spicy foods, see your dentist as soon as possible. When dental sensitivity is diagnosed and treated promptly, you can then start enjoying your favorite foods and drinks again.

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About Me

Chew On This Every time you take a bite of food, you should be grateful for your healthy teeth! A tooth can lose its health and structure quickly once decay sets in. Luckily, if you visit your dentist for regular appointments, the decay should not get too serious before your dentist notices it and can do something about it. That "something" is applying a filling. On the other hand, if the decay progresses too long before it is caught, you may need a crown or even an extraction. We want to keep our teeth, and we know you want to keep yours. That's why we created this website to teach you more about dentists and dental care. Enjoy!


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